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Why choosing between a boring but serious guy or an unserious but funny one ?

We really live in a paradoxal world. This world is seperated into two parts : The boring people, and the funny ones.

But, yes of course there is always a but, the boring people are usually the serious ones and the funny people are obviously not taking things (and you) seriously.

Is it a fatality ?

I think yes. Actually, the serparation is getting any further. The serious people are not funny (okay) but they are also the one who are attractive by funny and unserious girls and vice versa.

It's from all that shit that the sentences "all men are assholes" "all women are bitches" came up.

What can we do ?

Actually NOTHING. Maybe just hoping that the funny and unserious guy fall in love with you or get more maturity instantly, which is seriously not going to happen.

And which is even more impossible is the transformation of a boring guy into a funny one. Being funny is innate, if he doesn't have the swag, he will definitely NEVER has it. Period.

Finally, this is certainly why we are single. This is very hard to find someone with at least a minimum of sense of humor and a minimum of commitment toward yourself...... Actually we can't be satisfy about "minimum" so yeah that's why we are single :)

Photo : Valley de la Luna (Atacama Desert)


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